Almost Complete...

$143.5 billion is spent in US alone during this time of the year. Do you want to part of the share? Money pool, its a money, sales, cash program with strategies to make money at this time of the year. 

Would you LOVE to close 2021 in grand success, making sales, multiplying sales and making tons of money before you step more stronger into 2022 ?

Join me for the One Month End of the Year Program!
How to wrap the year in style with a big bang in sales, clients, money and more.
So we step into 2022 with successful shoes on.
When we close the year with success we are more likely to start the next year with more success building on it. 

THE Wrap Party is the final program of 2021 that I am so excited about.
It is going to be a one month program with me where we are going to close the year together with sales, cash, and clients for you. 
Most people ignore this time of the year. But we are going to cash on this time of the year to make sales, stack income, strategies to make tons of money like never before and finish 2021. And I am super excited for this program.

You are going to learn:
Strategies to sell at this time of year, including how I sell during holiday period that made me tons of sales overnight.
Strategies to sell during black Friday.
Strategy to get more new clients.
Strategies to upsell.
Strategies to multiply money at this time of the year.
Closing the year with a high.
Get so booked that you will now have a waitlist to work with clients.
And so much more…
It's a program to sell without having to do sales calls. No need for sales calls, no need for launches. You will learn strategies to sell out via social media, email, DMs and more. 
I will be leading you through the STRATEGY for making a LOT of money before the year ends + for getting money coming in early for 2022!
I am going to share my Black Friday Sales Strategy (this strategy made me over $6331 cash in 3 days in 2020). We can use this for Black Friday to make more sales, more clients, more cash in your business.
I am breaking down the actual strategy around HOW I did it!
And, you are also going to learn so much on how I wrap my every year so I could step into the next year stacking my success. How we close the year is as important as how we open the year. So we want to make sales, make income before the holiday period so we celebrate the holidays on a high note, and wrap the year with a party!!!! 
This is a one month program and you get regular trainings and end of year strategies to make sales. 
Click the button below to go to the offer and complete your order at an early bird price, it's going to be $1111 $2222 very soon. 
That's it, that's all you have to do—no fine print here. So, ready to take the end of the year to the next level money, clients, sales with me? Let's do it!

How I end the current year with influx of sales.
How I step into next level money desires.
How I set myself up for profitable January and the rest of the year!
How I plan on what to sell.
Are you coming for the best party of the year?

  • What to sell: This is about what to sell during that time of the year where people think they can't sell but honestly most sales are made during this time of the year. How to be in that wave, you will know that.
  • ​How I plan my launches: I plan my launches based on this criteria. We will talk about the offer suite strategy for this time of the year + price stacking points. 
  • Receive More: Learn how to receiving more money with energetics, strategies, millionaire mindset and more.
  • Set your money goals: How to set goals for this time of the year, and how to maximise. I increased my sales to 20x with just one tweak. It made me $40,000 instead of regular $2k a month from this one small tweak along. You will know what it is. 
  • How to stack payments: Learn the best strategies to multiply to money in  strategical way.
  • Close the year powerfully: Closing the year super powerfully – not enough people do this and it is the foundation to a guaranteed successful and transformative next year. Before we plan and goal set for the new year we must reflect on the current/past year that has passed so that we can forgive and let go of what no longer serves us while we celebrate and anchor everything that has played a part in our growth 
  • ​And SOO MUCH MORE..!
Experience The Wrap Party
🜁 For A Very Limited Time 🜁
the wrap party
Step 1: Contact
Step 2: Credit card info
Step 3: Choose the offer
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Here's What You'll Get: 
  • What to sell: This is about what to sell during that time of the year where people think they can't sell but honestly most sales are made during this time of the year. How to be in that wave, you will know that.
  • ​How I plan my launches: I plan my launches based on this criteria. We will talk about the offer suite strategy for this time of the year + price stacking points. 
  • Receive More: Learn how to receiving more money with energetics, strategies, millionaire mindset and more.
  • Set your money goals: How to set goals for this time of the year, and how to maximise. I increased my sales to 20x with just one tweak. It made me $40,000 instead of regular $2k a month from this one small tweak along. You will know what it is. 
  • ​How to stack payments: Learn the best strategies to multiply to money in strategical way.
  • Close the year powerfully: Closing the year super powerfully – not enough people do this and it is the foundation to a guaranteed successful and transformative next year. Before we plan and goal set for the new year we must reflect on the current/past year that has passed so that we can forgive and let go of what no longer serves us while we celebrate and anchor everything that has played a part in our growth.
  • ​And so much more..
  • ​Live One Month Program with strategy, energetics and millionaire mindset trainings.
if this is the program for you to calibrate to my energy
you will feel called to this

I see a lot of women not having the discipline around money and goals.
Focusing in on our integrity and discipline to see what has caused our breakdowns & breakthroughs in the years so that we can create a new foundation of growth for the future

You will feel excited to sell and design a beautiful flow in your business that you are going to fall in love with.
You will feel aligned with your offers with your reality, and become a champ at aligned sales 
You will feel confident in your business because you are finally making more money, real money, best money.

Need help? We're just an email away!

Brand Client made $57,600 in 3 weeks without any adspend.

What my clients are saying
"Super-Rad Testimonial Videos :-)"
These are a few of our clients... we just got these videos from them and it'll be insightful for you... 

Carrie made $17,155 USD in her coaching sales in our first 30 days of working. Made more than her ROI in 19days and put lot of money in her pocket with simple strategies.

Rashmi got selected in TEDx. It's HUGE!

Lydie made $9339 in less than 3 weeks

Lydie Binil made more than $9339+ in 3 weeks with a small group of 100+

Catherine went from $2k months to $30,000 months!!!

Rashmi had a $6000+ day!!!

Poornima got 50 hot hot organic leads from just one post!!!!

Lydia made her first high-ticket client less than 2 weeks.!!!

Sneha made her return on investment with in 16 days!!!

Poornima made $4890+ USD in 3 months which is $7500+ AUD as a brand new entrepreneur!!!

Arki closed $1500+ client over a coffee as a brand new entrepreneur!!

Rashmi got excited waking up to $6k client

The joy of signing first client

© 2020 - Millionaire Entrepreneurs -  All Rights Reserved.
Akhilla Kakivai can not and does not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools, or strategies.

Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results or future earnings, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites, are illustrative of concepts only and should not be considered average earnings, exact earnings, or promises for actual or future performance. Use caution and always consult your accountant, lawyer or professional advisor before acting on this or any information related to a lifestyle change or your business or finances. You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by your registration here you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance.

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